Kim posted some pictures from our first day, so I thought I'd share about the past few days.
We are settling in our flat in London and loving it! Ok, let me rephrase that. We are very, very slowly, step-by-step (day by day...dont act like you didn't sing that you old TGIF fans) inching our way to getting settled in London and in our flat...and still loving it.
Things aren't easy for sure, but we feel so blessed to be here and take on this new challenge together as a family. It's been stressful, but good.
Here are some pictures of our new flat and neighborhood!
Our bedroom - lovely
View from the Bathroom
Girls room (bunk beds - which Meg gets out of regularly at night time)
Our dining room to the left, our living room to the right!
Enjoying a meal together!
The girls at the park/playground down the street - so close! Weather has been GORGEOUS!
Exploring the neighborhood - very residential, lots of greenery
The main street in Finchley (our part of London) that we'll use with lots of local shops
So those are a few pictures to give you an idea of our life here. Yes, it is a little unsettling being away from friends and family and moving into a new place, but the verse that I have been meditating on since the Airport in Memphis is Psalm 16:8-9 "I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure."
We praise God for His nearness and are thankful to you for your support and prayers!
Robert, Kim, Ellie, and Meg