Thursday, January 2, 2014

Fun Around the New Year

After several days of colds (and nights of coughing) we cancelled our weekend plans and stayed in London. At the last minute we decided to still go to church last Sunday morning and then to enjoy a little fresh air stroll in the city.

I'd been wanting to see the huge Christmas tree in Trafalgar I'd heard about. It was beautiful in the day and I can just imagine how lovely it must be lit up at night!

After church we enjoyed lunch again at the Cafe in the Crypt and really sat over a grave this time. To be honest, I was a little unnerved when I noticed we were sitting on the grave of the dearly departed Elizabeth Williams!

Then we made our way back towards that beautiful Palace...

... and headed for home. Ellie cried on the way to lunch and Meg cried on the way back, but Robert and I still agreed the fresh air and exercise was good for us all.

On Monday night we partied with our LTS friends. The fun included good food and hilarious games. I think I'll just let the pictures tell the story:

Let's call it the "pick up the box with only your mouth" game - so funny!
Robert killed it... and his pregnant wife made a decent showing as well :)
Meg soon learned Momma's lap wasn't very safe when the time came to scramble for a spoon
Then came New Year's Eve and we got to enjoy dinner, a movie, and the fireworks with 2 more LTS friends.

What a sight!
They were spectacular even watching from our living room!
Then New Year's Day brought a nice win for my LSU Tigers - and I actually got to watch the entire game!!

Happy 2014 friends!

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