Friday, February 7, 2014

Grandma Is Here!

I repeat, GRANDMA is HERE!!!

Strike up the band!

Alert the press!

Cue the Hallelujah Chorus!!!

I picked her up from the airport yesterday and it's pretty much been nonstop wild fun ever since. We've got her going about 90 miles an hour... from play groups to the park to dinner out with the other LTS wives... I think we're just a liiiiiittle too excited for a familiar face around these parts!

And, really, is there anything like having your mom close by? Comfort to the soul, I tell ya.

And did I mention she's gained 2 little shadows? They honestly looked a little disappointed when it was just me greeting their sleepy eyes this morning. I hope Grandma wasn't expecting very many quiet moments of reflection on this trip :)


  1. You definitely sound so happy! Enjoy your visit with your Mom, strike up the band, sing and dance! Love you, Aunt Carol

  2. Amen and Amen!! I am sooooo happy for all of you!! Boy, does the play park look familiar. Soak in every moment that you have together and take lots of pictures and videos!! =+) Rob
