Friday, December 27, 2013

Oh What Fun!

We've enjoyed some fantastic memory-making this past week. It was our first family Christmas completely apart from extended family... so let me start off by saying it wasn't ALL fun :) The sting of distance has been terribly acute over Thanksgiving and now Christmas, and there were some tearful moments - especially while wrapping presents from all the beloved aunts, uncles, and grandparents. I guess I just longed for that mass hysteria of paper flying and children (and my sisters!) screaming. It's strange the things you miss.

So, it wasn't the same. But it was so special. And it WAS fun, praise God!

We started off Christmas week with a VERY special visit from Papa. Work brought my dad into England just for the night and we excitedly packed up the girls on Saturday afternoon and drove to Cambridge to meet him. We just had a couple hours with him, but it was just heavenly - our first familiar face since we left. And to see him with the girls... well, I'll just stop there or I'll be too hysterical to finish this post!

Enjoying the Christmas tree in the hotel lobby
The next day we got to church early for our little angels big debuts. Meg's teacher (and certainly NOT her mother) was able to coerce her into the outfit and all the children participated in the morning worship and telling of the Christmas story. It was really sweet.

Meg's face cracks me up - you wouldn't know it, but this is the friend she LOVES to run around with after Sunday meals!
We spent Monday and Tuesday preparing for the big day and wrapping gifts. Thankfully we had some very willing little helpers.

Meg wrapping her gift to Ellie
Impressive! She did tell Ellie at least 15x what it was, so the surprise was a little muted.
In her enthusiasm, Meg added several more precious "gifts" to the pile
Then, on Christmas Eve we attended local church's Christmas Eve "Crib" service. We knew about the service because the girls and I attend a weekly Toddler Play Group at this church.

The service was very kid-friendly and interactive so we were glad the whole family could participate.

Then it was time for the big Christmas dinner. Since I knew we would be with friends for a meal on Christmas day, we decided to have our special family meal on Christmas Eve. Y'all, I was seriously nervous about it! I have never been in charge of a meal for any major holiday. I have 2 extremely capable mothers who worry about all this! It was so humbling to realize how little I've contributed in the past - I just show up with my kids and pig out!

So, by God's grace we ended up with ham, scalloped potatoes, green beans, deviled eggs and bread - and it was a hit! The crock pot ham was delicious and I've used the left-overs in sandwiches, omelets, and soup.

The spread - the girls excitedly helped arrange it all 
Then we let the girls open one gift.

It's pictures like these that make me realize how much I'm showing!
The girls got sweet PJs from Aunt Shelley and wore them to bed
Our Christmas cards and stockings... a bit of an unfair advantage for Dad, wouldn't you say??
Then came Christmas! And it was really hysterical when we finally went in to get the girls - Ellie said she was still tired and wanted to sleep! Excuse me, what?! Am I really begging my 4 year old to get out of bed on Christmas morning??

We did end up luring them out of bed and had a sweet time opening gifts together.

Daddy got more chocolate from the girls - Cadbury Roses (AKA true confectionary beauty in a tin) to be specific.

We all received far more than we deserve, and know this is a small picture of the gospel we proclaim. After gift opening, we enjoyed a family tradition from both Robert's and my childhood: Christmas Breakfast.

Then we quickly changed and hopped in the car to meet LTS friends for a big Christmas gathering at one student's house just outside of the city.

The girls excited to wear their new boots
Visiting with everyone
A sweet friend willing to take on my two wild monkeys
After visiting, we enjoyed an incredible meal together. The turkey looked like it was straight out of magazine - and it tasted as good as it looked!

After eating we got to take in the countryside around their house.

It was just beautiful.

I asked them if there was anything for free... I mean, uh, for SALE close by :)

It was so special. A very memorable Christmas indeed.

We've spent the last couple days catching up on rest and nursing our colds. Thankfully we have 2 more weeks before Robert has to start back class!


  1. It looks like a very delightful Christmas. Your dinner spread is impressive. And the girls are adorable, as usual. We miss you so much but are so delighted in all that God is doing in your lives! Many holiday hugs and Happy New Year wishes from the Keytons! P.S. I LOVE your baby tummy!

  2. Such a warm and wonderful insight into your first Christmas in London. Thank you for sharing your joy (and a touch of sadness) with us. The pictures add so much and yes, your "bump" is showing. Thanks be to the Lord! Rob
