Wednesday, August 28, 2013

We're here!

We're here... in London... in a flat... I'm the only one awake... can this be real?!

Here are the girls looking all cute with their backpacks in the airport:

Here's the truer version of the story: The first flight was fine, but it was all leading up to the moment when our younger child had had juuuuuust about enough of planes. We had just gotten settled into our seats for the second flight, it was way past bedtime, there had been no nap, and there had been more sugar than originally planned. I was trying to distract the girls with some new toys and we lost a marker or something... aaaand the bottom just fell out. Lots of screaming, lots of kicking the seat in front of her, lots of apologizing (by Robert)... wow. I'm just cringing recollecting it. So, yeah, we're opting for a nice week-long cruise across the Atlantic when we return! Once they finally turned those cabin lights off the girls fell asleep, and we were in the home stretch.

And we're here, and it had to be the most beautiful day in London yesterday. We were picked up from the airport by wonderful friends (and the cutest baby ever - talk about a sweet welcome!) and stopped for a quick lunch at those lovely golden arches. That's right, McDonald's - and the fries were delicious! We drove on to LTS where we were warmly greeted and shown to our flat (more to come on this wonderful place later). I was even taken to the nearest Tesco for a few groceries! We explored a little with the girls and had time to enjoy the sunshine at the lovely park down the street. Then we had a quiet dinner at home (that was waiting for us in the fridge when we arrived!) and fell into our beds.

I love our flat, I love the park down the street, I love that I'm not on a plane, I love that I'm still the only one awake, I love EVeryone!!! (<-- to be read in your favorite Disney princess' voice) I know the "second flight" will come when I do a little screaming and kicking of my own, but for now I'm basking in the mercies of this new morning in our new home. I wanted to record some of what I read this morning so I could look back and remember His mercies:

In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it... Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!
Isaiah 30:15 & 18


  1. This just makes me so glad you are all there and so looking forward to all the Lord does in your new life!

  2. Thank you so much, Kim, for the update. We were praying for you this morning and will pray for you at staff prayer that Robert would make occasionally!! ;+) I'm still smiling and chuckling as I think about your second flight!! Surely not precious little Meg! Since Robert showed me some pictures of LTS, your flat and the neighborhood, it's nice being able to "picture" you all there. Lots of love and blessings in Jesus, Rob

  3. SO glad to hear you are there is EVerything is going well. Last night my mom listened to the voicemail Ellie and Meg left her in the airport 3 times...count on her being there soon ;) Love all of you so much!! Still can't believe you are in LONDON! Sarah T

  4. Just remember they will be old pros at flying in no time ;) I am so glad you made it! we miss you guys and can't wait to see more pictures!
