Monday, January 13, 2014

It's a...

G I R L !!!

We're pretty excited. We even went out and bought special pink sprinkles to make some girl-icious sugar cookies to celebrate!

And I was honestly sure it was going to be a boy because this pregnancy has felt very different from the girls. Maybe I'm just getting older :)

But, oh, the love of little girls! My heart truly soars at the thought of having another. There's just nothing better (but I guess I don't know any different, right?!).

I still remember the first time I saw Ellie crying, asked her what was wrong, and her reply was simply "I don't know." This has happened a few more times since the first occurrence, and every time I think "I know exactly how you feel!" Emotions can be a very perplexing thing!

I was encouraged as I read read the words of another mother of many girls (and a couple boys) in her book, Loving the Little Years. Jankovic, when describing emotions of little girls as a "beautiful, spirited horse" writes, "A well-controlled passionate personality is a powerful thing. That is what dangerous women are made of. But a passionate personality that is unbridled can cause a world of damage. If you see a lot of passion in your little girls, don't be discouraged. It is just wonderful raw material."

Here's to having lots of that passionate raw material to mold around the Jones house!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful!! Don't forget that our son Robert and his wife Tina had three girls and then number four was a......! ;+)
