Thursday, January 30, 2014

London Drizzle

While our south Alabama friends are experiencing the rarity of snow days, we are entertaining the steady London Drizzle. It's pretty temperate around here with temperatures varying maybe only 4 degrees in one day.

This time last year we were really amping up our plans for the big move with garage sales and preparing to put our house on the market. We started to check to London weather every day and we laugh and say "40 and raining again!" I was, honestly, a little afraid of the effects the weather may have on my mood, and - truth be told - it wasn't an ungrounded fear. I've needed several self-pep-talks this past week to be as the English and simply "carry on" (they do this SO well no matter the weather outside!). I even pray (often!) for God to help me love - and not just accept - the Drizzle. To see the bright green grass and dark stretching tree limbs juxtaposed against the rich grey sky and truly enjoy their beauty. There is certainly much to love about this place.

Robert and I have been reading Watching the English by Kate Fox and she begins right away with describing English weather conversation. She helpfully explains, "In this respect, we treat the English weather like a member of our family: one can complain about the behavior of one's own children or parents, but any hint of censure from an outsider is unacceptable, and very bad manners." I already have several conversations in mind that I'm regretting, and I'm a little afraid of the further repenting I'll have to do after reading the rest of the book! It's a humbling but reassuring thing to know that adapting - to both climate and conversation - takes time. I'm not perfect at it and there are many days I don't think I'm even good at it. But God is faithfully bringing about change and new perspective every day, and I know I can trust and embrace all the newness He's given us this past year.

1 comment:

  1. Kim, this is so well expressed. It took Helen Clare a good while to adjust, but you should see her now. She just bundles the children up and heads on out, walking of course, no matter the weather!! I'm mighty proud of her!! ;+) Rob
