Wednesday, April 30, 2014

This Time Last Year... Selling the House

It was 2007, we were both working full-time and thought it might be better to put our rent money into a mortgage. We also lived in south Alabama where you can buy a 3 bedroom, 2 bath "starter" house for what Londoners pay for a closet on the "wrong" side of town :)

So we looked and we prayed and we found it.

And we loved living in that house for the next 6 years.

We brought our puppies home to that house...

Christmas 2007 picture
and they promptly dug up the backyard :)

We brought our babies home to that house...

Ellie's homecoming. Don't let the smiles fool you - we were (rightfully) terrified!
Proud Dad and Sister when Meg came home
We had lots of guests and special occasion dinners and wild fun in that house...

Robert's surprise birthday party circa 2009
2011 Anniversary Dinner 
Making ice cream with the oldest while letting the youngest clean out cabinets.
Yes, that's a doll stroller...
There just really is no sufficient caption for this picture....
And, most painfully missed, Robert and I each had our own walk-in closet...

Robert's closet on the left and mine in through the bathroom
And one year ago today we packed up our last load of stuff in the minivan and said good-bye to that wonderful home...

Sale Pending!
God had graciously sold our house... in a poor market... in a month... to a medical student who bought lots of the furniture (that we couldn't take with us) along with the house.

In many ways this seems more like a lifetime ago than a year ago. Though we can list the many comforts and memories we miss about that house, we wouldn't trade our lives in London. Not because one place is better than the other, but because of the peace that is present when you know you're where God's placed you.

And to think, this time next year we should be close to preparing for another move!

1 comment:

  1. So many special memories. So many amazing changes. What a comfort to know the unchanging God who will never leave us and never forsake us! Rob
