Saturday, December 6, 2014


We're into the Christmas season already, but I wanted to take a moment and reflect on our Thanksgiving.

So, though I know this will come as a shock, the fourth Thursday in November means nothing to anyone outside of North America :) This was honestly difficult for me to wrap my mind around last year.

Thankfully (hah!) for us, LTS had a Thanksgiving celebration last year and then another this year. Such good food, good friends and good fun - everything Thanksgiving should be.

I'm hungry again just thinking about it.

We also had planned for months to repeat our Bury St. Edmunds trip from last year. Then the Tuesday before we were to leave, Ellie Belle came down with a pretty high fever.... and it stayed for 6 days! So, we missed our big meal Friday night, but decided Ellie was well enough to salvage some of the weekend, and we drove down on Saturday. Somehow Kristen magically still managed to produce an AMAZING Thanksgiving lunch for us.

After lunch, Robert and I headed into town to enjoy some of the sights from the fair. It's just so very festive with lights and booths and food stalls blanketing the abbey grounds.

We enjoyed our time walking around while Kristen kept our big girls for us. We brought this little cutie along:

After Robert preached on Sunday morning we headed home to London, thankful for such a sweet time with good friends.

We've been memorizing a couple of Bible verses with the girls and we picked a passage for this month on - you guessed it - Thanksgiving. But, wouldn't you know it, it's amazing how these verses we're teaching our children come to bear so profoundly on our own hearts. Robert and I have struggled often this month to be thankful amidst the pressure of life compounded by car trouble. How quickly we can forget the Lord's mighty provision and turn our eyes inward and onto our circumstances! But God has been faithful to lead us into his courts with thanksgiving time and time again. And he mercifully answered our (and many of YOUR) prayers for us in providing the repairs needed through generous friends to get our car up and running again.

He IS good and his love DOES endure forever. Let us praise his name together!

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