Saturday, November 9, 2013

Another Saturday in the City

The weeks seem to be picking up as we're more settled into our home and routines. Robert is in class and studying all week and the girls and I have our own little routine worked out. We spend our days out at playgroups, BSF, the library, and the park. We spend our days in at home playing, learning our letters & numbers, painting, watching animal videos (they can't get enough of these!), cleaning, cooking, etc. The "usual". The context and details have changed, but the content of our lives is very similar to what it's always been. During those days at home I sometimes forget we live in LONDON!

Then we have outings like today and I'm railroaded with the excitement of the city we call home.

Today we took a trip into the city to do a little window-shopping at Covent Garden.

We just can't seem to leave out the public transport pictures when we talk about trips into the city. It's just still that exciting that we get to ride an underground train, I guess!

We made it to Covent Garden and were welcomed with lots of festive Christmas decorations - including this massive Christmas tree.

Robert took the girls to look around and gave me some time to wander alone through the market and shops. I could have stayed all day.

I think my favorite store of the day was this Sass & Belle shop.

Then I wandered into this Jubilee Market Hall with lots more individual vendor booths. I don't care if I'm in New Orleans or the Bahamas or London, I just love a good market!

The girls loved this candy cane lane.

Then we went to a beautiful, historic church... to eat lunch...

Mozart's Requiem will be played tonight by candlelight in here! 
... in the crypt! It was delicious and pretty affordable for London... and it was a CRYPT! I mean, talk about atmosphere!

Soup & Sandwiches

And a Coca-Cola Classic for Robert!

We also just happened to be right next to Trafalgar Square, so we walked off some lunch around "the sea captain with the sword" as Ellie called him.

This is Meg asking to swim in the fountain. She promised she wouldn't be cold. Somehow we denied those cute cheeks.

Then each girl wanted to pet those majestic lions.

It was as hard to leave as it was to drag them away.

Then we hopped on the Tube again...

... and walked home.
It was winter hat weather :)
Have I ever mentioned the gorgeous tree we can see from our window??
We ended the day at home with a little dinner and a little Auburn football indoctrination. Ellie was all ears and asked if she could cheer for Auburn AND the orange team (UT). Robert let her know that this family only cheers for Auburn... to which Ellie kindly reminded "Don't we also cheer for LSU, Daddy?" That's my girl :)

Meg enjoyed reading a Barbie leaflet during the game.

Ahhh, family time :)


  1. What a fun city to explore and live in! I want to come visit you so badly!!! Much love!

  2. When we went to London, Covent Gardens was one of my favorite places! There was a street fair the day we were there. I bought a beautiful miniature watercolor from a street artist. LOVE that place!

  3. Thank you for another great post and for taking us with you to downtown London! Don't forget to "Mind the Gap." =+) And a belated happy birthday, Kim and Robert, to both of you.
    Blessings in Jesus, Rob
