Wednesday, November 20, 2013


November means birthday time for me and Robert. Robert's birthday is a week before mine, and I have to say I like it that way because he always does a better job of it!

Leading up to our birthdays we started receiving box after box in the mail of gifts from family. It was SO exciting to visit our little pigeon hole every day to look for cards and packages! On Robert's actual birthday I think I must have received 5 packages - it was hysterical! Like when someone is handing out gifts on Christmas morning and they're all going to the person next to you!

This year for his birthday dinner Robert requested breakfast for dinner. I mean, the man makes it easy on me, doesn't he?!

We had eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese grits (thanks to some American friends), toast and cantaloupe melon. YUM.

Then we opened cards and gifts (which included copious amounts of chocolate this year).

Then, right before dessert, there was a knock at the door. It was Paulo & Paula & Isabel, how nice! Except not, because I realized in that moment I had invited them over, and then FORGOTTEN I had invited them... and by then of course we had eaten all the food. WOW. Somebody just commit me now.

So after I scraped together some left-over grits and toast (!!!) we broke out the chocolate cake I made and fig preserves cake Paula had made and celebrated Robert in song. Then the girls played with Isabel while Robert & Paulo talked theology and me & Paula talked food & kids. It was a sweet night.

For my birthday I was willing to eat anything - as long as I didn't have to cook it :) That morning Robert got up and made eggs and toast for everyone, and that evening we caught the bus to the mall for a stroll and to eat at one of the restaurants there. Meg made a friend while we were there, and I'll emphasize: this was NOT a coaxed photo!

Then we made it to the Food Court. Well, I think I walked around and read! The only thing that looked good to me was Chinese noodles and Burger King (more on this later)! In the interest of everyone else with me I settled on a Whopper, Jr.

WOW, ya'll, I could have eaten 5 of them! Ha! It was the best flame-broiled burger I ever put in my mouth!

 After a little more window shopping and a nativity find, we headed home.

That night after baths and bedtime, Robert shopped around online for our main gift to each other: TICKETS!

We're so excited! It will be our first night out in the city together sans the kiddos. We'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Soooo special. Thanks for sharing your joy with us. And what's this other news that is being noised about over here on this side of the pond??? =+) Rob
