Saturday, October 12, 2013

Girls Night (and day)!

Robert has had a busy week of study and activities! Anticipating this, the girls and I have tried to have a little fun of our own.

Yesterday we ventured out to the a place we'd found with Dad last Saturday: Avenue House. This beautiful house and gardens is only about half of a mile from our house!
Exploring Avenue House grounds last Saturday

Our return visit to the grounds was almost as fun as the first. The girls played on the playground and then we stopped at a cafe on the way home. We enjoyed a ham & cheese croissant, fruit & yogurt, and a large mocha. We'll be back!

We sat outside and enjoyed our girls time in the midst of a little London drizzle. I'll let you guess what their favorite part was...

Then last night, Robert was able to attend a preaching seminar in the city, so we had girls-night-in with popcorn and a movie.

Their excitement over popcorn really amazes me. They do "come by it honest" as popcorn-loving is in their mama's genes.

We've had fun, but really can't wait for Daddy to get back this afternoon! Praying for a fruitful time for him as he continues to pursue this purpose of faithfully preaching God's Word.

1 comment:

  1. So precious. Thank you for sharing with all of us. Rob
