Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Two things on Tuesday

After a FULL day of wonderful things, I think I may only be able to eek out a couple things I've been wanting to record. We'll keep it to the girls and food.

1. When the girls were little I sometimes wondered if life might have been a little easier had they been born a little further apart. These days I'm praising God for His keeping them close in age - they really enjoy each other and I have the joy of watching them play. Some days they like dragging all of their toys to the top bunk and conducting school for their stuffed animals:

They also love painting, especially if princesses are anywhere in the picture.

I've also included "less worthy" pictures as we're still learning our letters. It seems they'll learn about anything if they can paint it afterwards!

2. Robert seems to think I've become some kind of a gourmet since we've moved across the pond. Though I know that's not the case, the compliments make it so exciting to cook for my little family.

One recipe I've been using over and over again is this crock pot chicken recipe. I have cooked the whole chicken in the crock pot this way, but I've also just used the seasoning for a rub on a pack of leg and thighs. I've found that even I can't dry out bone-in chicken!

We've also been eating LOTS of tacos... I think it's a combination of Taco Bell and Morris Family withdrawals!

I also broke down and bought a mini muffin pan. I've realized I'm just not whole without one in my kitchen. This apple muffin recipe was a hit - I just added about 1/2 cup of oats.

And after all that cooking comes the "washing up" as the English say. For some reason washing dishes is one of my more favored household chores (I know my parents or sisters will NEVER believe this, but it's TRUE). This really comes in handy when you're dishwasher-less. It has actually become something of a competition to see how many dishes I can balance on the drying rack. Sometimes I feel like I'm in one of those stacking competitions where the kids have to speed stack all those cups.

I can't believe I just confessed that. Must have lost my inhibitions somewhere in that "fullness" of this day. Night friends!

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