Sunday, September 15, 2013

I married Superwoman

That's right, I did it, hooray for me - I married Superwoman. And everyone reading this post right now is nodding their head in agreement wondering, "How is Robert so athletic and humble?"....wait, that's what you are wondering right? Or maybe, "How in the world did Robert get Kim to marry him? She is WAY above his class!" Ok, that's what you are wondering!

It's been 3 weeks since we moved to London, and everyday I'm amazed at my wife - her drive, her creativity, her hospitality, her spirit, her mothering, her cute hair! It's really cute, isnt it?!

Over the past week, Kim has really shown her true self. She invited 3 families...that's right 3 families over meals! Each meal was big and delicious! We just moved here, and she's the one inviting people over - that's why I love her! She, like her mom, is great at loving people in her home. 

And preparing all this food isn't as easy as it used to be - she can't just zip down to Publix in our car. She walks 15 minutes both ways, with the girls, and stuffs the groceries in the stroller. Friday morning, she did it IN THE POURING RAIN (the rainiest day in London since 2009) - and she didn't even flinch, she was beaming. Some women might see rain and crumble - not SUPERWOMAN!

The other night, we went to a small group connected with Westminster Chapel, so we had to take the tube into central London. 

We had a wonderful time connecting with the group (12 people from UK, Canada, South Africa, Malaysia, Asia, and USA!) On the way home, we got off the tube, and I was looking for the nearest bus stop. It was raining, and it was 10:30pm. Kim was like, "Nah, let's just walk home."  No sweat. We loved it. 

Ok, so the girls look a little tired, but they honestly were having a great time. We carried them for about 25 yds, then they had to walk, then carry, then walk, etc. 20 minutes later we were home. 22 minutes later we were asleep in bed!

So just in case you didn't know, now you do - Kim is rather amazing. She is the only reason that I have a chance in London. Kim is my favorite person in the world and my greatest gift from the Lord. And with each phase in life, I realize more and more - I married Superwoman.


  1. Robert,
    As your Aunt, I agree! God is sooooo good to you and Kim. God has no limits.
    He has poured out a double portion of blessings on you and Kim and is dumping bucketfulls of love, and showers of blessings.
    Don't open an umbrella, just look up and lift your voices in praise and thanksgiving!
    I love you so much!
    Aunt Carol

  2. I completely agree with this post - and you aren't so bad yourself!

  3. I'm so glad God gave you rose colored Kim glasses (and me rosy robert glasses!) - that we still desire the good gift God has given us in each other. Thank you for seeing the best when you know my worst -
    I love you,

  4. You speak the truth! Kim is such a superwoman- but I know having you as her trusty sidekick gives her the drive to accomplish the incredible! Miss you both and LOVE seeing your pictures and hearing your stories!!

    Sarah Tolleson
