Sunday, September 1, 2013

Park, Palace and Praising while Parenting

Our first weekend in London and it really was wonderful.

On Friday night we had debated on whether to relax this first weekend or just jump into the excitement of exploring the big city. We chose the latter, but focused on seeing only St. James park and Buckingham Palace - two places we knew the girls would enjoy.

We started with a fun bus ride because of a tube station closure:

Then rode the tube into the heart of the city:

Can I just stop and say that Dothan REALLY spoiled us? Getting ANYwhere in 15 minutes their whole lives until now has made it difficult for the girls not to suddenly exclaim "Why is this taking SO long??!!"

But we finally made it and got off at Piccadilly Circus:

We then walked down Regent Street, past the Duke of York Column into St. James Park. We're having just incredible weather since we've been here (and it looks like another great week ahead) and it seemed everyone was just walking around smiling because of the sunshine. We chatted with the ducks for a minute...

...then we were all ready for lunch. Picnic in the park? Don't mind if I do...
Hey good lookin'
I can't believe we got them to sit still long enough to eat
After journeying this far, we were only a few steps from the stuff little girls' dreams are made of: The Royal Palace!!
In front of Buckingham Palace

Gardens at Buckingham

The guard stomped and yelled "GET DOWN!" and we did, whether he was speaking to us or not!
 After seeing the main attraction we walked back through the park and stopped at the playground:

Then it was time to head back home. I think the girls' favorite part of the underground was the escalators down to the underground. I don't blame them, we practically had to smash them together to fit us all in with the crowd!

The closer we got to Finchley, the more room we had on the tube. The girls even got their own seats at one point.
Robert asked them to make a silly face
Then a nice spaghetti dinner at home (Geaux Tigers!) and bed for these weary sightseers.

And I feel so undeserving and humbled to be able to live here and show my children these sights. I think I just pinched myself all day long. Life is truly precious anywhere lived, so I don't want to discount how special it would be to still live in Alabama or Tennessee -- but to walk around these bustling streets, to hear the voices of so many languages, to be where so much history has been made... what a gift. It's not easy lugging 2 kids and a double stroller down to central london (it made us feel a little crazy, honestly!) but, really, how could we NOT?

And then came Sunday and we had another gift of attending church with our friend, Nigel, where we worshipped with such a friendly and welcoming community of faith. Nigel was kind enough to pick us up at our flat and we rode the TOP of the double decker bus into town. The girls are getting slightly better at walking long distances, but lots of our walks from the bus stops looked like this:

Picture of St. John's courtesy of Facebook
Most of my time during the service was spent with this little one in an overflow children's room:

But, thankfully, there was a sermon feed into the room and I got to practice praising my Savior in the midst of this fleeting season of life. This season of parenting little ones through a major transition. I remind myself often that it is fleeting because it can feel so defeating at times! And God is so patient and gracious with me in these moments. The sermon was even on Psalm 33, the exact psalm that particularly ministered to me as we were preparing to leave (see past blog post)! It's so hard but it's so good and needed - I can't help but praise Him for it. May you be encouraged, too, by His faithfulness and unfailing love:
~ Kim

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Kim, for another great report! Y'all went on a real adventure! The pictures are wonderful and brought back so many memories of when Helen Clare and Adam lived in London. Yes, the weather there really is beautiful. I had to change the setting from Centigrade to Fahrenheit to be sure! ;+) Missing you all and praying for you. Rob for all
