Tuesday, September 3, 2013

We made it a week... with the help of VBS!

That's right! We've managed to stay alive for an entire week in London. Whew! It hasn't been all rainbows (because there has truly been NO rain - go figure!) but we're doing well and willing to tackle at least one more week :)

One thing in particular that has been really special is just about everyday we've been here Ellie has been quoting John 3:16 to all of us. Just an unbidden exclamation of God's love for the world through His only Son. I can't say that I remember her ever quoting it before like this, but I know where she learned it: VBS this summer.
A rare on-stage appearance by Meg at VBS
And then this morning - after a particularly frustrating day yesterday - Ellie bursts out with "Oh-oh I know-oh my Jesus provides! Oh-oh I'll trust Him on life's dusty ride!" Meg and I then joined her in chorus: "On this road I'll trust in Jesus Christ, 'cause He's in charge of the supplies. On this road I'll stay right by His side, 'cause Jesus Christ will provide. He will provide!" Can I get an AMEN?! Thank you, thank you to all of the staff and volunteers from First Pres this past summer for investing in my kids (and their mom)! What an encouragement those planted seeds have been to me this week.

So, in celebration of our one week in residence, we looked to discover what the city had to offer in the way of some authentic English Fish and Chips. Our friend, Nigel, joined us for dinner at a delicious spot right up the road.

Then we capped off the night with none other than Mary Poppins.
Please pardon the laundry :)
You know, she really is practically perfect in every way. The girls can hardly wait to get down to St. Paul's and feed the birds.

One week down, hopefully many more memorable ones to go...

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, what memories, what memories...VBS here...Fish & Chips there. It sounds like you all are doing great settling in and getting a feel for London. Truly, this is an amazing experience for the Jones family. We're sticking with you in prayer. Thanks for the posts. Rob for the rest =+)
